Saturday, April 11, 2009


Tweaked my back a bit at BJJ so haven't been training much. Doing some grip stuff thats about it.

Also, check out my site BJJ Interviews

I am new to making websites so it will take some time to clean it up...


Unknown said...

website looks good. I hope the back gets better. and soon. I will be doing some new supplements in a couple of days. Maca and Magnesium rub. The Maca I have been taking the last month and ordered a new kind. tastes bad, but I fell it is working. The Magnesium rub is something I read about from Mahler's Collision Course paper on Opimizing hormones.

nate b said...

thanks. my back is feeling better so hopefully i will be back in action this week. i've been doing a lot of joint mobility for the low back.

i have been putting maca in my shakes since i read about it from Mahler. can't say i've noticed a difference but it was pretty cheap.

i bought the magnesium lotion and tried it for a month but i didn't notice the benefits like i do when i take ZMA. ZMA is the only supplement that i swear by. let me know how the lotion works for you.