Sunday, April 26, 2009

Workout 042609

Hill Sprints x5
3/4 x5
1/2 x3

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Workout 042509

Perfect Pullup x10,10,8,6,4

Overhead Walk 40kg x3

CB Inward Pendulum 2x10L,R 25lbs
CB Outward Pendulum 2x10L,R 25lbs

Waterball walk x3

Hanging Knee raise 3x12

Vacuums 3x5

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Workout 042209

1A. Swings 24kg x 20,19...10
1B. Deck Squats x 1,2...10

Hanging Knee tuck hold 3x30sec

Neck Bridges

COC#1 2x1
COC#2.5 Negatives 2x1
COC#2 2x1 (didn't get it all the way)

Monday, April 20, 2009

Workout 042009

Perfect Pullup x10,8,8,6,4

Hindu Pushups x 25,20,15,10,5

Switched to Hindu pushups because my shoulders have been hurting since I started using the perfect pushup.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Workout 041809

Swings 12 minutes 24kg

Hanging Knee Raise ATW 3x5

Snatches were too much on back so went with swings. I did them completely hardstyle and my hamstrings are fried. Will stick with swings until back is completely healed.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Workout 041609

Perfect Pullup x10,8,6,6,4

Perfect Pushup x20,15,10,5

Half Getups 32kg 5x1 L,R

Had to make this quick as I have a bunch of stuff to do today. But a little today is better than putting it off until tomorrow.

Took the past couple days off and my back has been feeling great. Will try to go to no-gi tonight and see how it feels.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Workout 041409

Perfect Pullup x10,8,6,4,4

Perfect Pushup 5x16

Pistol to Chair 3x5L,R

Hanging Leg Raises ATW 4x5

Neck Bridge x1
Forward Neck Bridge x1

Neighbor gave me the perfect pushup because he didn't want it. Now I have the perfect pullup and perfect pushup and more fitness equipment than anyone should have!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Workout 041209

Perfect Pullup x10,8,6,4,2

Pushups 5x15

Hanging Knee Raise 2x10
Hanging Knee Raise Twist 2x10
Hanging Leg Raise 2x10

Neck Bridge x1
Forward Neck Bridge x1

Decided to work around injury...this meant no overhead presses,snatches, or anything that involves a lot of lower back. Will go through R-phase later and take epsom salt bath.

Saturday, April 11, 2009


Tweaked my back a bit at BJJ so haven't been training much. Doing some grip stuff thats about it.

Also, check out my site BJJ Interviews

I am new to making websites so it will take some time to clean it up...

Monday, April 6, 2009

Workout 040609

GTG Pullups

VPP 24kg 6x5L,R

Clubbell shield cast 25lbs 2x10L,R

Plate Pinch 30lbs 3x10sec

COC #2.5 Negatives 2x1
COC #2 2x1 Attempts (left is getting much better, right was very close)
COC #1 Overcrush 5 seconds 2x1

Pushups x35

Also pinched 4 10lb plates off the ground. Pinch grip is improving...

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Workout 040409

Max VO2 15:15 16kg 20 sets of 7

After BJJ, I am going to keep the sets light like this.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Workout 040209

VO2Max 15:15 16kg 30 sets of 7

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Workout 040109

GTG Pullups

Viking Push Press 5x5L,R 24kg

Clubbell Shield Cast 2x10L,R 25lb

Hanging Knee Raise x10
Twisting Hanging Knee Raise x10
Hanging Leg Raise x10
Kneeling Ab Wheel x10

Pushups x30

Vacuums 3x5

First time on the VPP, I liked it.