Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Workout 022509

TGU 1x1 L,R 32kg
5x1 L,R 16kg

Clubbell Shield Cast 2x10 25lbs

Swings 10x9 32kg

Airdyne Sprints 10s/10s

BJJ drills

Shoulder felt good after TGU. TGU and Windmill are what got me into kettlebells when my shoulder was hurt and it looks like I am headed back that way with my elbows and shoulders aching. Airdyne sprints are killer

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Workout 022209

Deadlift 1x2 245
4x2 315

Shoulder and elbows are sore from BJJ so skipped HSPU and Pullups

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Workout 021809

Deadlift 1x2 245
1x1 315
1x1 325
1x1 335
1x1 385
1x1 410 (staggered grip) PR

Chinups x10,8,6,4,4

Handstand Pushup 5x2

Pushups x30

Think I may be pulling a little bit too much with my back in the deadlift. I may take a private or two with a local powerlifter so I can approach 500.

Thursday, February 12, 2009


After two months, I have gotten back to closing the #2 COC. Twice a week at work I did between 5-10 reps and some overcrushes. I will continue doing this and work my way to the #2.5 on the right and #2 on left.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Workout 020809

Deadlift 1x2 245
1x1 315
2x1 325
2x1 330

Swings x20 40kg

Stacked wood in between sets.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Workout 020709

Chinups x10,8,6,4,2

Pushups x20,15,10,5

Airdyne Intervals

Janda Situps 3x3

Didn't time the intervals on the Airdyne but it was probably around 5-7 minutes total. Tomorrow should be deadlifts or heavy snatches

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Workout 020409

Chinups 3x8

Handstand Pushups 1x1,2,3

Snatch 32kg 5x5l/r